
About Me

I started this blog as a way to learn more about photography while trying new recipes and sharing my love of cooking and food. While I’ve had more hits than misses with the recipes, I still have a lot to learn about photography.

I also love travel and I do share my adventures on my blog from time to time too. In the past several years, I’ve traveled with my husband, Matt, to Iceland, Chicago, Montreal, California, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, Mexico and driven all over Ontario, Michigan, and the American South. We’ve also been to Las Vegas many times, which kindled my love of fancy hotels. We plan our trips mostly around food and drink (especially beer in Matt’s case) and love to spend time in and on the water, whether it is swimming in a hotel pool, snorkeling in cottage country, whale watching in Vancouver or cruising a river in wine country. 

Once a month Matt takes over to blog about local beer, or far-flung beer adventures, as The Beer Baron.

When not cooking, blogging, traveling or thinking about traveling, I’m a homebody who loves to watch good TV and movies (mostly critically-acclaimed fare but have some trashy, guilty pleasures as well). My day job is in human resources. 

I love all kinds of food (with a few picky exceptions) and love trying new ingredients I find at local farmers’ markets and ethnic grocers. I try to make healthy, “clean” meals most of the time but regularly splurge in the name of flavour. I love reading and learning about food and trying new cooking gadgets, methods and techniques. 

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment or connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Great post on tequila cocktails! Please e-mail me at It’s about wine of course :)
